Newplay produces “Killrådet”, our humour podcast where humor-veterans, Granis and Lillen, known from “You Laugh, You Lose”, share their advice on all kinds of questions you might come across in life. It might not be the best advice, but it’s advice you won’t get anywhere else and it will definitely give you a laugh. The podcast is hosted by Anders Löf.  

Newplay has also produced ”You Laugh, You Lose”, Sweden’s biggest online comedy show, as well as Sweden’s largest podcast in hockey and humor, “Släpp Sargen”.

 ”You Laugh, You Lose” received an award for the year’s humor clip at the Swedish Humour Gala in 2019.

Defined as a primarily male base with a wide age range, “Killrådet’s” audience are big fans of humor. 

Downloads per month: 140 000
Followers on social media: 150 000

Gender breakdown “Killrådet”